I always enjoy diving out at the Farne Islands on Lee Halls Boat Farne Diver 2. This time though was even more special than ever. I have tried for years to get a nice Grey Seal shot with varying degrees of success. This time i was lucky and i had lots of furry friends all around me. It was a brilliant day taking advantage of a wee break in the weather. I was amazed at the visibility which was over 10 metres, considering it was struggling to get over 3 metres earlier in the week.

Farne Island Diving is always special for me and as said before its great to meet up with my buddy Lee. The wrecks and scenic walls are spectacular and when those seals want to play it makes for a fantastic diving experience.
If you want to get close to some new furry friend get in touch with Lee at
Farne Diving Services www.farnedivingservices.co.uk

or call Lee on Phone: (01665) 720615
E-mail: leehalldiving1@aol.com
Farne Diving Services
St. Ebbas House
NE67 5AP
E-mail: leehalldiving1@aol.com
Farne Diving Services
St. Ebbas House
NE67 5AP