Hi All Sorry about the delay in posting something new, there have been 2 reasons for this; mainly snow and ice! Yes the season has had a very slow start on the East coast of Scotland this year due to the adverse conditions and i have been limited to a couple of training dives. However, the season started yesterday with a stupendous dive on the U12 in fantastic 10-15 metre visibility. I was out with Marine Quest taking advantage of a lul in the bad weather. We were rewarded for the effort with amazing conditions if somewhat cold with water temperatures hovering around 5 Celsius. So shiver me timbres and all that! I don't think my pictures have done justice to the dive but hopefully they will give you an idea of how good the dive was.
Another reason for the delay in my postings is that i have also been working on a big project that will come into fruition later in the year so please keep your eyes peeled to the site for further details appearing shortly.