Hi All,
Well after a superb start to September with an amazing dive on U12 (see previous blog) Poor weather and a smashed dome port stopped further play. Thankfully because of the bad weather that plagued the east coast i didn't miss my port at all. The good news though is that my insurance company has acted and i now have my replacement port to hand. October though is shaping up to be a very busy month. Im running an U/W photo course in Loch Long on Saturday 16th Oct. If you wish to be involved in that please get in touch with me quick. For Local folks im putting up a display of my images in the Blue Bean Cafe in Portobello. This is situated on the east side of Edinburgh and will comprise underwater and topside images. Its free so take a look if you can make it. Images will follow. The images will be up this Wednesday all being well. Then the main event Dive 2010 in Birmingham. I will be giving a presentation in Room 19, between 11.30 -12.00 noon on both days of the show. So come along if you are interested in seeing a show about the newly found wrecks and reefs of Southeast Scotland as well as new images of favorite sites. It should be a good couple of days and i will be signing books down there too!
Now all we need is for the weather to calm down a bit so we can all get our fins wet!/
Happy Diving
Mike Clark
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