Every year in October Grey Seals have their pups around our coastline. This one was pointed out to me by a group of photographers from Glasgow. (Many thanks to you). just wanted to put this post up to let you know what to do if you find a seal pup on the shore. Underwater close encounters on the seals terms are welcome and exciting but for a seal pup on the shore all contact should be avoided and they certainly should not be touched, even if they look injured. The reason for this is that the mother seal will be keeping a close eye on the pup from the surf and too much disturbance can scare the parent off. human scent on the pup will almost certainly mean abandonment by the parent. If you do see one enjoy your encounter from a safe distance and use a long lens to get a nice picture.
Why im writing this is that 15 years ago i found an injured sea pup on the beach and rushed to phone the SSPCA to report an injured seal pup on the beach. They advised me me as above.
Mike Clark
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