Well after a few attempts, a return trip to the Isle of May in the firth of Forth was achieved on Friday 10 Aug. 2012.
The weather was superb and everybody had a great day out. The trip turned out to be so popular that Marine Quest had to take both boats. I really enjoyed myself and it was great to meet up with friends that i had not seen for a while and also to meet new ones too. My buddy for the day was Derek Borthwick, who was in fine posing form in the bulk of my photos.
Both boats had slightly different dive plans. Both dived the wreck of the Island MaGee and also had a Seal Dive to finish off. (SEALS ARE BEHIND YOU). The middle dive for one boat was on the scenic wreckage of the Island while our party dived the remains of the ss. Scotland.
The Isle of May is a spectacular place to visit in its own right but with super diving, great company and sunny calm weather this was an amazing trip for me.
Many thanks to Iain and Jim of Marine Quest and to Derek Borthwick (ace poser).
Here are a few of my images i hope you enjoy them.
Mike Clark
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